
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Episode 194 : Suikoden (PlayStation)
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
We're covering another request - Suikoden for the PlayStation! This game is a classic style JRPG that adds a large cast of playable characters, large scale battles, and an upgrade system that allows you to really modify your party in many ways. This game led to a series that was prevalent on the PlayStation 1 and 2, but has faded out over the years, although there is an HD remaster on the way. We played the original to see how this one holds up today!
Also discussed, new foods and games for 2024, memories of gaming with friends, and maybe the most devisive video game question we've answered -- Is Zelda an RPG?
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Monday Jan 15, 2024
Episode 193 : Body Harvest (N64)
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
It's our first episode of 2024, and we're starting it off with a Patron requested game, Body Harvest for the Nintendo 64 as picked by Joey H.! This game was developed by the company that would go on to make Grand Theft Auto III and change the landscape, and it has a lot of the things we'd see in that game-- but is there a reason this never had the success as their later offerings? We'll tell you what we thought!
As it's the start of the year, we talk new Christmas presents and purchases, and of course, answer some of your questions to try and stay current, and immediately fall behind.
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Friday Dec 22, 2023
Episode 192 : Santa’s Sack (of mail)
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
As we hit the end of 2023, we're looking back at our favorite games of the year, somme disappointments, and the games we've covered.
Really though? We answered your mail. As always, it was a wide range of questions that are probably not suitable for the kids. So put on some headphones, and enjoy as we clean out our mailbox and prep for 2024.
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
We love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - in the arcades, NES, and SNES we've had some great games, but we had never played the TMNT counterpart to Turtles in Time -- TMNT : The Hyperstone Heist. Now we have, and we're here to talk about it.
And we've got another bonus for your Turtles fans-- after our episode we have posted the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) movie review from Movie Smash! -- a comic property movie review podcast that Jeremy P has been working on!
If you like Movie Smash!, find us over at http://www.movie-smash.com
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Monday Nov 20, 2023
Episode 190 : Puzzle Game Feast
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Gather round the dinner table, because this year we're bringing you a puzzle game feast! We're serving up talk on 3 different puzzlers on 3 different consoles - arguably 4! First up, we're going to visit the Game Boy to take on Kwirk (he's A-MAZE-ing), then the Game Boy Advance for Egg Mania, and finally we finish off our meal with some NES/SNES action with Yoshi's Cookie!
And as any good meal should, we end this one with a great conversation with you, our listeners, with a heaping helping of listener mail. Bon Apetit!
Want to jump right to the meal? Start at the 9:30 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Episode 189 : Illbleed (Dreamcast)
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
It's a Patron request for our final episode of Retroween2023, as we take on Illbleed for the Sega Dreamcast! We steel our nerves, and venture into an amusement park that is designed to kill you, and perhaps Billy had one too many Hassy's beforehand.
Want to jump right into the game? Start at the 9:00 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Episode 188 : Eternal Darkness (GameCube)
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
For our first #retroween2023 episode on the main feed, we're taking a look at Eternal Darkness! This horror game on the GameCube has never come out for another console, but is also highly regarded. We're playing it again this year and giving our thoughts on how it holds up today!
Also we take on some of your questions including how we get ready for Halloween!
Want to jump right into the game? Start at the 9:00 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Episode 187 : Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
We're digging into the sequel to Legacy of Kain, which takes the top-down evil Zelda style Playstation gane and turns it into a 3d evil Zelda style Playstation game - but is that transition a successful one? Does it still have that Legacy of Kain feel, even though you aren't playing as Kain? This was a patron request, and at least one of us hadn't really played it before, so we did - and we're here to talk about it.
Also we take on some of your questions including one we cannot believe we haven't been asked before, "Is Birdo hot?".
Want to jump right into the game? Start at the 10:20 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Episode 186 : Terranigma (SNES)
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
For the first time, we're reviewing a game that never made it out to North America! Thanks to patron "The 16-Bit Big Boss", we're taking a look at Terranigma! It's an action-RPG from the people behind Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia, but this third game in this thematic trilogy never made it to our shores. It's often referenced on people's top 10 SNES games, but what did we think? Listen to find out!
Want to jump right to the game? Start around the 12:30 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Episode 185 : Jaws (NES)
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
I think we're gonna need a bigger boat for this episode, because it's the summer, Jeremy P is at the beach, and that means he's thinking about sharks. So, we're talking about Jaws for the NES!
Want to jump right to the game? Start around the 11:00 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.