
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Episode 207 : Harvester (PC)
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Our first Halloween episode of Retrovaniacs for 2024! We're talking about Harvester for the PC, a point-and-click adventure game with an interesting twist both in story and in gameplay, a Patron Pick! This 1996 adventure game tried to blend traditional adventure game puzzles with combat and a very adult storyline, and in some ways it succeeds -- but in others not so much.
Also covered, we preview what other spooky games we have been playing, discuss horror levels and spooky segments in non-horror games, and more as we answer more of your mail.
Want to get right to the Harvest? Start at the 10:00 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Monday Sep 30, 2024
Episode 206 : Bucky O'Hare (NES)
Monday Sep 30, 2024
Monday Sep 30, 2024
This time we're talking about Konami NES action platformer, Bucky O'Hare! Based on the comic and TV show that none of us were extremely familiar with, this looks to be Konami's take on Mega Man -- but is it a clone of a classic series or something else entirely?
Want to jump right into the game? Start at the 8:15 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
Episode 205 : Neutopia (TG16)
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
This episode we're taking another Patron request, this time for Neutopia for the Turbografx-16! This game is definitely the TG16's take on The Legend of Zelda, but is it too much like that game or does it offer enough to stand out?
Want to jump right into the game? Start at the 10:45 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Episode 204 : WWF Betrayal (Game Boy Color)
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
We're covering another wrestling game, sort of? WWF Betrayal is actually a side scrolling beat em up for the Game Boy Color, featuring 4 of the biggest stars WWF had to offer in 2001. This game was developed by WayForward, who make some of the nicest retro-styled games to this day. Was this a good blend of a solid license and a great developer?
We also answer a question posed last episode about wrestler themed fast food meals, and some of your other pressing questions.
Want to jump right to the show? Start at the 8:00 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Episode 203 : Ghost in the Shell (Playstation)
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
This week we're looking at Ghost in the Shell for the Sony Playstation, a game based on the manga and universe of the anime we were all familiar with at the time. Is this a game worth playing if you love the anime, hate the anime, or just generally like mecha? We've played through it again to let you know our thoughts.
Want to climb over the intro in your tank and get right to the game? Start at the 8:15 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Episode 202 : Metroid Prime (GameCube)
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
We're taking a look at the Metroid series first game into a 3D environment with 2002's Metroid Prime. Released at the same time as Metroid Fusion - a more standard 2d Metroid game on the Game Boy Advance, this was a game developed by Retro Studios for Nintendo that tried to take the series into literally a new dimension. Did it succeed in it's purpose, and is this still worth playing now? We'll let you know our thoughts on it.
Want to morph-ball right to the show (maybe drop some bombs)? Start at the 9:20 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Episode 201 : The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (NES)
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
We're doing another patron request, this time we're looking at The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (aka Fantastic Dizzy) for the NES! The Dizzy series was pretty big in Europe due to it's popularity on home computers, but in the US we didn't really get into it - but in 1991, Codemasters and Camerica made a big bet on Dizzy for the NES, building a new game that took the "Greatest Hits" of the previous Dizzy titles and bringing it to video game consoles. We're all new to the world of the Yolkfolk, so we're taking a look at this action puzzler now!
Want to jump right to the show (and possibly roll down a hill into a spider)? Start at the 9:00 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Friday Jun 28, 2024
Episode 200 Spectacular - General Chaos Revisited and Summer Mailbag!
Friday Jun 28, 2024
Friday Jun 28, 2024
200 episodes? It's hard to believe but its true. And we're marking this occasion by looking back at one of our earliest games - General Chaos for the Sega Genesis! In episode 4, we looked at this game and it's the one that we've gotten the most pushback on. So, we're looking at it again with new (yet more experienced) eyes to see if we were wrong.
We also go through a ton of mail, talk about the latest Nintendo Direct, and more on our 200th episode!
Want to jump right into the game? Start at the 13:15 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Episode 199 : Guerilla War (NES)
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
You and a friend get to play as two questionably heroic historical figures, rescuing your island nation from a cruel overlord - we're playing the NES port of SNK's Guerilla War, as requested by Ralph M.!
Also discussed, saturday morning memories, Castlevanias that might stink, and remakes, remasters, and more!
Want to jump right into the game? Start at the 7:40 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.

Tuesday May 21, 2024
Episode 198 : Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Another game requested by our patrons, and this one comes from Patrick who wants us to talk about a bonafide classic game, Metal Gear Sold 3 : Snake Eater! We've covered the original Metal Gear Solid in the past and liked it, but many people regard this as the finest game in the series. Do we think that's the case in 2024? Listen to hear our thoughts!
Also discussed -- Monster Hunter, AVGN thoughts, favorite beverages, and Nu Metal?
Want to jump right into the game? Start at the 8:15 mark!
Join us over on our Discord to discuss games, food, or really anything over at https://discord.gg/pb76x32uWY
If you would like additional bonus episodes of Retrovaniacs or to request a game we must cover, our Patreon is located here : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21041333
If you enjoy this podcast, why not write a review wherever you download it from? It's easy, and helps people find us by accident. Find everything Retrovaniacs at http://www.retrovania.net
Intro song is "8-Bitter" by Subtastics, and is used with permission, mainly because Jeremy P is in that band.